Indoor Air Pollutants ? Welcome the revolutionary Royale Atmos by Asian Paints
Every time I hear about the term Air Pollution my mind is engraved with pictures of vehicular emissions, industrial chimney menace and burning garbage dumps. The idea of a common man ends with it. He thinks staying indoor is living healthy and safe. But is it that simple? No! The facts are alarming and shocking. For a factual shock, the air inside your house may be several times more polluted than the air outside. Also, considering the fact that we normally spend more time indoors (10 to 12 hours) than outdoors makes the situation even worse. The sources are many and identifying them would help us to improve the quality of air both indoor and outdoors. The indoor air not only includes the outdoor pollutants but also has significant contributions from in-house pollutants that are a by-product of various chemicals, domestic fuels, cosmetics, personal healthcare items and cleaning agents. Your indoor living space may have hazardous chemicals suspensions 8 to ...