
Showing posts with the label Cook

BreGG Scramble

Life is easy with  . You can order your mood of food anytime anywhere right from home, right at home.  You can select your nearest food outlet online and place an order to be delivered at your door step. For all your appetite satisfaction there is But at times when no source of outside food is available just reach your kitchen and do a 10 min doodle recipe and join back your lappy or tv set to continue your late night affair. On many weekend nights I do my all time easy to make tasty to eat recipe called Bregg Scramble. I am sharing it with you all...Try and come back to me if you like it. doodle recipe This is my contribution to doodle recipe at . Share yours to hand it over to other foodies. My Doodle recipe is a part of Easy Doodle Recipe contest at in association with

Doodle Garlic Bread.

 There have been times when every source of food is unavailable. Often at late nights your stomach ignores the fact and tempts you to feed with food. But you cant order your favorite food. But One you can do is make something with available resources. My saviour is Garlic Bread. A jhat-pat  10 minutes recipe. This is how you do it.  This is my contribution to  Tasty   add yours too. My Doodle recipe is a part of Easy Doodle Recipe contest at in association with