
Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai

T his post is dedicated to introducing my Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai . I have made this podcast with an intention to connect to people through my voice. This is not only a means of sharing my views and stories with the world but is also a medium to talk to myself.   A podcast is a good medium to connect with people as it does not demand the attention of your eyes; all it wants from you is to lend your ears. Often when you are commuting on a bus or in a metro, listening to a podcast can be a great idea: All you need is an earphone and bingo! My Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai has a Trailer as an introduction and episodes that are published from time to time. All the episodes so far have been archived below with dedicated links for one-click listening. Also, it is my humble request to leave your valuable feedback and comments on this post or on my  Instagram page     Twitter handle  Bus Kahani Hai              Latest Episodes Episode 4 : Khidki Ke Baa

Do Right:Another Half Story Waiting to be Completed.

For a nation that breathes Cricket, talking anything against would be considered sacrilegious. But it is not about having hard feelings for this game or the Dhoni s XI. It is about respecting other games too. It is about providing basic infrastructure and training for the aspirants of other games too. We have been pampering Cricket as the only sport known to mankind. But it is high time we change our outlook towards other sports and sportsperson alike. There is a village called Dhupguri in West Begal. This place has a women football team " Dooars XI " and the club is run by Bhabani Munda, their coach. A stereotype village where women are considered only apt to get married these village girls have faced objection and disapproval from both family and villagers. Poverty is another challenge to fight and pursue their passion for the game of Football. In the absence of funds and sponsors these girls sell tea and rotis to realize their dream. They do not even have basic

Janta Maaf Nahi Karegi : Humour

With Lok Sabha Polls just around the corner, Major Political Parties are leaving no stone unturned to give people a mouthful laugh before they again take them for a five year ride. First came the Youngress Advertisement with Flyover kaha gaya and Metro Kaha gaya hullabaloo. Then came another trump card about rural housing plan and Employment Scheme Advertisement, where people were singing in symphony for the prosperity of food,shelter and modernization in Youngress Raj. Youngress glorified their past so emphatically that even Kalmadi was taken aback. People were happy for Youngress atleast gave a final respite through these funny videos running randomly between Behenji serials and Cricket matches alike. Considerable amount of rocket science was applied to make these ads win people s heart. But all they won was people s laughter and anger. These Ads again reminded the poor Janta what they have been denied all these years.                                                        

Prisoner Jailor Prime Minister

This book is unbelievably awesome. A breach of dogmatic political fiction is what makes it a book to hold for. A book that will make you  walk the classrooms and campus of Harvard University and at the same time leap frog to 7 Race Course Road ( 7 RCR) New Delhi. From Prime Ministerial Office to the piano sessions of Mozart and Tansen, this book is an eccentric insight into the life of a man who swaps between himself and being PM of the largest democracy. When facts meet the unbelievable the cross-road is called "Prisoner Jailor Prime Minister".  Author Tabrik C has written a wonderful book and timed its release when the country is breathing politics right from the bed tea to the last fag at night. The conflicts and threats that the protagonist Siddhartha Tagore as a Prime Minister   has to handle is in tandem with the present scenario. The book is an insight into Indian Politics, Diplomacy, Challenges and the tough decisions to be taken to run the wheel of power and