
Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai

T his post is dedicated to introducing my Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai . I have made this podcast with an intention to connect to people through my voice. This is not only a means of sharing my views and stories with the world but is also a medium to talk to myself.   A podcast is a good medium to connect with people as it does not demand the attention of your eyes; all it wants from you is to lend your ears. Often when you are commuting on a bus or in a metro, listening to a podcast can be a great idea: All you need is an earphone and bingo! My Podcast - Bus Kahani Hai has a Trailer as an introduction and episodes that are published from time to time. All the episodes so far have been archived below with dedicated links for one-click listening. Also, it is my humble request to leave your valuable feedback and comments on this post or on my  Instagram page     Twitter handle  Bus Kahani Hai              Latest Episodes Episode 4 : Khidki Ke Baa

Happiness is Cheap yet Priceless

I find a million narration on the word happiness. With cliche' lines like " happiness is a state of mind " and ''happiness has got nothing to do with materialistic things"  my idea of happiness, only got more and more distorted and confusing.  If it was so, Why do I feel happy after buying gadgets of my   desire ? Also, Why after much struggle I am unable to lift my mood when someone upsets me when  all the while I kept convincing myself inside,  I have to be happy. It did not make me happy that way. Only time served the purpose till I laughed a mouthful the next time. And if that is the pragmatic reality behind the secret code of happiness why not accept it that way rather than in an impractical way.  Although I have some faith on the universal cliches of happiness but today i am not in a mood to see life that way. Lets taste the paradoxical thought of materialistic world.  Yes I am not bit ashamed to accept that material add happiness. If money

ZenFone 2- A Big Bite

Some smartphones are trendsetters. They change the whole game and make the launch more anticipating to resist. The new Asus ZenFone 2 is sure to hold your breath and envy many in your circle. Yes this smart phone is big, smart, stylish, efficient, powerful and supreme. Imagine a phone with 13 MP camera with LED flash, smart rear control for snapping selfies, 5.5 inch full HD screen and 3000 mAh battery and 4 GB RAM, all in a single gadget !  Yes this is ZenFone 2 for you !    Here are five reasons why the ZenFone 2 is going to redefine your smartphone experience. 1. Huge RAM : Take a deep breath because this phone comes with whopping RAM of 4 GB to ensure you can play all possible HD games on your phone and run multiple applications without your phone getting hanged for short of oxygen. Because RAM is Oxygen of smart phones. 2. Sleek Design:  The style factor is enhanced by its sleek designing and keeping the edges thin. ZenFone 2 has an incredibly-slim profile — it i