Happiness is Cheap yet Priceless

I find a million narration on the word happiness. With cliche' lines like " happiness is a state of mind" and ''happiness has got nothing to do with materialistic things"  my idea of happiness, only got more and more distorted and confusing.  If it was so, Why do I feel happy after buying gadgets of my   desire ? Also, Why after much struggle I am unable to lift my mood when someone upsets me when  all the while I kept convincing myself inside,  I have to be happy. It did not make me happy that way. Only time served the purpose till I laughed a mouthful the next time. And if that is the pragmatic reality behind the secret code of happiness why not accept it that way rather than in an impractical way. 

Although I have some faith on the universal cliches of happiness but today i am not in a mood to see life that way. Lets taste the paradoxical thought of materialistic world. 

Yes I am not bit ashamed to accept that material add happiness. If money is not everything at least it is something to be happy about. It can buy me good house where i can live in peace with my family. Of course living in harmony is a different subject altogether. We exchange money for luxury. Luxury adds convenience  if not happiness. But isn't convenience another form of happiness ?  Yes it indeed is ! 

I will be more happy with the convenience of travelling in a private cab than in a crowded bus with my wife and children barely having space to stand. I have come across an old couple in train who being from Jhansi, the neighboring city of Agra never visited the Taj Mahal for want of money. They lived life of poverty to manage their children's education  while i also met a couple in train who came all the way from the U.S only to see The Taj Mahal.  

I do not differ from the thought that happiness is a state of mind but I also believe that happiness is sandwiched  between the  tangible (material, money) and the intangible ( emotions, love). 

The Intangible

The very meaning of happiness starts from the word family. Parents, siblings, wife and children together complete the word family for me. Imagining life without one is like stepping into the impossible. When we all sit together in drawing room over a cup of tea with snacks of gossip, the word happiness seems small to epitomize the feeling and then we realize that a loving family is an ultimate bliss.

I can not imagine a life without friends. The moment i keep a step outside my doorstep i think of my friends. In fact they are the very reason I move out. They are true stress busters, pillar of support, bags of happiness and a reason to toss. They are mentors, philosophers, advisers and pranksters. They are the ones to test my laughing endurance. 

If you have these two entities then surely you should lift your hands and pray the word of gratitude to God.    
Although life seems complete with these two entities but there is more I want from life --

The Tangibles

Your friends, family and wife will love you more only if you have a good job. I know we all agree on this  in unison. A job adds happiness only if  it fetches good money and also quench our passion. If you miss any one of the two, you are probably in a wrong business. 

Last but not the least "A dream Home". Imagine those family gatherings and dinning without a good spacious house. Imagine those gossip session with friends on a sky watch terrace of your house. Yes I mean happiness should have a physical address ! A home sweet home with a outstretched green lawn and flowers. It is sweeter than it sounds. It one of the most important ingredient of true happiness. 

In line with the relation between happiness and house, the Kolte Patil Developers presents the Ivy Estate in Wagholi near Pune, a property spread over 85 acres in the lap of nature, which marries modern amenities and natural charm perfectly. The 1600 families already living there are a living testimony to this fact.

#CelebrateLifeAtIvy by owning a dream home at Ivy estate, an 85 acre estate with 34 acres of greenery and open spaces. Join the 1600 happy families already living here. Check out this walkthrough video and decide for yourself.

Share your idea of Happiness & bliss. 
Image Source: Author's property.


  1. A very beautiful post. You are right, happiness is sandwiched between tangible and non tangible things. Superb post, may you win!

    1. Thank you Saru. With your words of appreciation I already feel won.


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