
Ayurveda - The Real Cure

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of natural and holistic medicine. When translated from Sanskrit, Ayurveda means “the science of life” (the Sanskrit root Ayur means “longevity” or “life” and veda means “science”). While allopathic/ Chemical medicines tends to focus on the management of disease, Ayurveda bestows us with the knowledge of how to prevent disease and how to eliminate its root cause if it does occur. Core Principles of Ayurveda The knowledge of Ayurveda was passed orally through a lineage of sages in India until it was collated into text more than five thousand years ago. The oldest known texts on Ayurveda are the Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and the Ashtanga Hrudaya. These texts detail the affect that the five elements found in the cosmic system - earth, water, air, fire, space – have on our individual system, and expound on the importance of keeping these elements balanced for a healthy and happy life. Importance of Ayurveda can be felt by the ...

Mother ! My Treasure

The omnipresence of God is possible only because everyone has a mother. Mother is an epitome of unconditional love, support and emotions. Mother has no substitute in this world. We begin our biological existence from  our mother. We share the oldest relationship with mother because she is the one who knows us even before we were born.  Mother is the first in every order of  our lives. She is the first friend, first teacher, first trainer, first expert adviser and first person we know. Yet sometimes we ignore her importance and give her less than she deserves for being a mother.  I have infinite memories of my mother to reminisce. All so close to heart and touching. I am sure everybody has it in plenty !  My mother has always stood for me whenever I fell in short of confidence in life. She encouraged me to aim higher in life. I was a mediocre by mentality. But she gave me the confidence to believe that I can actually be the topper of my class. S...

Happiness is Cheap yet Priceless

I find a million narration on the word happiness. With cliche' lines like " happiness is a state of mind " and ''happiness has got nothing to do with materialistic things"  my idea of happiness, only got more and more distorted and confusing.  If it was so, Why do I feel happy after buying gadgets of my   desire ? Also, Why after much struggle I am unable to lift my mood when someone upsets me when  all the while I kept convincing myself inside,  I have to be happy. It did not make me happy that way. Only time served the purpose till I laughed a mouthful the next time. And if that is the pragmatic reality behind the secret code of happiness why not accept it that way rather than in an impractical way.  Although I have some faith on the universal cliches of happiness but today i am not in a mood to see life that way. Lets taste the paradoxical thought of materialistic world.  Yes I am not bit ashamed to accept that material add happiness. I...