Time to Return


I ran and ran, when tired I walked and walked but kept going ahead. I never stopped. I never reposed. A meanwhile halt would have corrupted the tempo. Moving was a trend and trend is life. But then I turned my head sideways. Sideways to share my joy of moving ahead, sideways to see my people my folk with whom I started. But I was alone. I was running in solitude. No one to cheer, no one to smile in cohesion.

Suddenly the joy of tempo punctured like an inflated tire. The destination no longer lingered on my mind. The hollowness sustained, persisted. Now I was running but halfheartedly. Suddenly the lights, the glitters on my way were flickering and then diminishing. Deep in my heart I knew I was walking in dark. The lights so far were all my illusion, I was in a hallucination. The realization of truth was coming now. Sometimes we see things better in dark. Light always don’t help us. Darkness sometimes does.

So now I know; I can either run ahead in grief or I can walk back to the people I left behind. Hang on their shoulders, halt with them, laugh with them and if situations permit walk ahead with them. It is time to return. It is time to go home. 
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